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Reasons you should hire a Property Tax Specialist

By Ershad Ullah December 15, 2022 | Tags:

A property Property Tax Specialist is essential for any property owner or investor. They can provide a range of services, from tracking rental income and expenses to helping manage the tax implications of property ownership. A property accountant’s expertise can help ensure you make the most of your property investments and provide peace of mind that all financial obligations are being met.

With a property accountant on your side, you can enjoy the income and appreciation that comes with owning property without worrying about financial aspects. Investing in a property accountant is an investment in your future success.

Reasons you should hire a Property Tax Specialist
Reasons you should hire a Property Tax Specialist

When managing a rental property’s finances, there is no substitute for professional help. You’ll benefit from their knowledge of regulations and tax laws, allowing you to maximise your return on investment. A property accountant can also provide valuable advice on structuring transactions to minimise costs.

Investment Structures

Additionally, they can help you understand the importance of the finance structure and provide guidance on ownership structures for tax planning and asset protection.

With so many different types of ownership structures available for property investment, including individual, partnership, Trust, Company and SMSF, it is important to consider which one best suit your needs and circumstances. Different structures carry varying levels of risk and return potential, and a qualified property accountant can help you make the best decision to suit your goals.

A property tax accountant can explain the tax consequences of putting the asset in trust compared to a company or SMSF and advise on land tax and land tax surcharge for foreign beneficiaries. A property accountant can provide valuable advice in these areas and ensure that you understand future potential risks. By taking the time to understand different ownership structures and with the guidance of a property accountant, you can choose an investment structure that maximises your return while minimising risk. This will ensure you get the most out of your property investments and remain financially secure.

Claiming Appropriate and Maximum Tax Deductions with help of Property Tax Specialist

As a property investor, you may be able to claim deductions for expenses relating to the rental property. A property accountant can help identify all allowable deductions, such as depreciation, loan interest, insurance and maintenance costs. This helps minimise your tax liability and ensure all necessary deductions are being claimed. A qualified property accountant knows the ins and outs of property tax deductions and can provide advice on the best strategies to take advantage of all available deductions. They can accurately calculate amounts and advise on any offsetting credits or allowances, ensuring you don’t pay a penny more than necessary.

Tax Planning

Tax planning is a key area where your property accountant can help you understand your future. They are experts in the industry and can provide advice on tax-effective ways to manage your portfolio. This includes setting up trusts, companies, SMSFs and other strategies that could save you money in the long run.

A property accountant can advise you on the best tax planning approach for your situation and ensure that there are no adverse implications from any actions.

Cashflow Planning

Cashflow planning is another important aspect of your property investment. Your property accountant should be able to provide guidance on cash flow management, helping you understand how much money you need to set aside and when. This ensures you have the necessary funds for unexpected expenses or repairs, helping you maintain a positive cash flow.

Property investment can be a lucrative venture but comes with many risks. With the help of a property accountant, you can minimise the potential risks and ensure that your investments are working for you most efficiently and cost-effectively.

Asset Protection

Asset protection is another key area your property accountant should be able to help you out with. You do not want to purchase your largest investment without understanding the asset protection risk. A property accountant can advise on the best ways to protect your assets, such as forming trusts, companies and SMSFs. By taking the time to understand the asset protection risks and strategies available, you can ensure that your property investments are protected from creditors. A qualified property accountant can provide valuable advice in this area and help you create a plan that works for you.


In summary, property accountants can provide an invaluable service to property investors, helping them manage their investments effectively and efficiently while minimising risk. From cashflow planning to asset protection, a qualified property accountant can ensure your investments are well protected and working in the most tax-effective way possible.

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